ive into the quirky world of the “Knuckles TV Show,” a must-watch Sonic spin-off that promises laughter, adventure, and a touch of nostalgia! Join Taylor and Dre as they dissect every hilarious moment and quirky plot twist of this unforgettable series. Whether you’re a lifelong Sonic fan or just looking for a fun new show to binge, “Knuckles” delivers with its unique blend of humor and action. Don’t miss out on their insightful and entertaining review!

Please be sure to like, subscribe, and click that notification bell so you never miss our fun-filled discussions. Dive deeper into the Sonic universe and discover the hilarity of everyday life with Knuckles and friends!

Catch Up on All Things Sonic! Whether it’s tips, tricks, or just some good old-fashioned fun, we’ve got you covered. And remember, watching “Knuckles” might just give you that extra context you need before diving into Sonic 3!

Did you enjoy the show as much as we did? Let us know in the comments below! Or if it wasn’t your cup of tea, we’re curious to hear your thoughts too!

0:19 – Knuckles Series Introduction
1:19 – Overview of Knuckles TV Show
6:27 – Plot Analysis and Holes
9:16 – Final Thoughts on Knuckles
9:53 – Overall Review of Knuckles Series
10:37 – Conclusion and Outro

By Taylor

Taylor is one half of Media Discord and resides in Orange County, CA. He grew up loving video games, comics and movies. His favorite game is Chrono Trigger and his favorite comic book character is Deadpool.